Be Inspired:
by Cody Johnson | Dec 20, 2011 | Reviews
Inspiration can come from almost anywhere. Rather than choosing one particular photographer's work to inspire you this week I want to show you hundreds of photographers' work. You all have heard of Flickr. It is the dominating photo sharing site on the net. But lately I have been drawn to I have been continually amazed by the images I am seeing on there. I keep hitting the next page just to see more. Fair warning, there are nude photos on there, so probably not a site you want to look at with the kids (although most of them are tastefully and artistically done). I have been a photographer for over a decade and I have always said that I would rarely hang other people's art photography on the wall...but I have been having serious second thoughts about that after seeing some of the amazing work I have seen on 500px. I wouldn't mind having several of the photos on canvas.
It's a cool website too. The images really pop off the background and you can rate photos as well with a like or dislike. And I think one of the most beneficial things on there...especially to photographers eager to the photographer who took the photo will often list the camera settings used to capture the image. There is something for everyone on this site: landscapes, portraits, wildlife, abstracts you name it. Many of the photographers who post photos to 500px are pros, but many of them aren't...they just have a good eye and aren't afraid of snapping a few photos. Now that is great inspiration.
Here is what the homepage looks like. Immediately you are struck with some beautiful images.

Here are a few sample images that caught my eye.

Again, I want to reiterate that this site is probably rated 'M' for Mature audiences.