Print a Poem on Canvas | Poem Wall Art | Custom Poem Printing
by Cody Johnson | Apr 18, 2014 | News

In case you were unaware, April is National Poetry Month. We started talking about this here at the office and came to a realization that poetry isn’t being celebrated as much as it should. Some of it is old fashioned and can be hard to understand, but there in lies the beauty of poetry. A great poem can explain the way you feel about another person or situation in a way that you never could have. And women’s hearts have been won for centuries by a man and a poem.
So we had a thought. Why not print a poem on canvas? With the popularity of quotes and inspiring words so prevalent on Pinterest (there is a whole category dedicated to quotes) why not take your favorite poem, print it on canvas, and either enjoy it yourself or give it to a loved one (or someone whose love you want) as a gift.
The more we talked about it here in the office, the more I am loving the idea. It made me think of the poem my wife recited to me on our wedding day and how much I would love to have that printed on canvas to share with her. What’s even better is that with Photoshop or a free photo editor like Picasa, you can combine a photo and a poem.
What You Need to Get Started ON CUSTOM POEM PRINTING
1. Choose the size of the canvas print you will be putting the poem onto.
You can choose a standard size like 11x14, 16x20, 18x24 or you can create any custom size you want.
2. Find the right poem or write your own.
3. Use Photoshop, Photoshop Express or Picasa to build your future canvas print. (if you don’t have any of these programs don’t worry, we can help you with your project.)
4. Once you have laid out your poem with the font of your choice (with or without a photo) you are ready to order your canvas print. Just head over to our
website to upload it and order it.
5. Give the poem wall art as a gift and bask in the glory of their appreciation.